So here we are, a week into the new year. I haven't really thought much about any New Year's Resolutions. Have you? Are you the type of person that writes them all down before the end of the year and then is set to achieve each one right off the bat? Are your resolutions about saving the world? Being a better person? Making huge life changes - this time around?
The older I get, the more my resolutions are all about the little things that I can do to make the world a better place. Am I going to lose weight this year? Yes I surely am going to try. Am I going to learn Italian? Not likely. Am I going to be the best person I can be? You bet I am!
Here are my thoughts for 2018:
1) Smile and say hello more. It's amazing to see someone's face light up when you smile and say Hi! That may be the nicest thing that happens to them all day.
2) Do more readings. I'm a Spiritual Medium. Watching the profound healing effect that loving messages from those who have crossed over can have on someone who has been suffering is the best thing in the world to me.
3) Help people find their Spiritual calling. I have been blessed with wonderful mentors and teachers. I'm at a point where I can now be one and will make time for anyone who asks.
4) Own the fact that I am Enough. Just as I am. I’m a good person. I am a loving person. I want to see the best in life for me and for others. I am Enough.
These are the things that I am going to focus on this year. What about you?